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Realizing Health-Oriented Goals Through Health Coaching

Health coaching is a method used that’s becoming more and more recognizable to almost all health care delivery systems – hospitals, health clinics and facilities, healthcare companies, and medical and nursing schools that’s geared towards the improvement and maintenance of ones health and the management of an individual’s infirmity and health conditions, especially those having chronic illnesses by means of lifestyle and positive behavioral changes. It is an organized and well-defined relationship between the patient and the health advocate, also known as the health coach that productively stimulates the participant to make necessary changes in their conducts by means of helping the client in exploring and resolving their indecisiveness in behavioral change in order to achieve optimum health.Health coaching is a lot more different than providing health teachings or health education especially if the concern here is bringing-about long term goals. Health teaching is the method used in imparting information such as how the disease occurred, the medication regimen, activity guidelines, and diet restrictions directly to the client, leaving him no choice but to adhere to the prescribed instructions based on his current condition through written home instructions, pamphlets and booklets. Health coaching on the other hand, allows the patient to ventilate what’s bogging him or her about his present health status and express his or her desire to what hindrances in achieving optimum health to get rid of and curtail to allow change of healthy behaviors, and what kind of health support does he or she want. Health coaching is client-centered, which means that its focal point is directed to addressing health issues and concern that are only true to a particular situation in the patient’s life.As of now, the patients have the right to understand what their options in attaining optimum health are and they need health coaches with medical backgrounds who can interpret to them the complexity and the technicality of their condition according to their level of cognition and advise them the various ways on how to deal and make amendments in their lifestyle.A health coach focuses on issues pertaining to the individual’s standard of living and how to improve it. Health coaches do not function to formulate diagnoses, give prescription to medications or to give health teachings, but they are there to guide, direct, and encourage an individual to identify and set attainable objectives that are vital in improving the quality of his or her life. It is a way of helping health advocates in motivating the patients to let go of their ambivalence, making them ready to make the behavior change and embolden them to take control of the precipitating risk factors and seek the appropriate course of therapy in addressing their chronic disease condition.